Three-channel VLF Data Acquisition and Signal Processing with a Raspberry Pi, Multi-channel soundcard, and GPS Receiver

TitleThree-channel VLF Data Acquisition and Signal Processing with a Raspberry Pi, Multi-channel soundcard, and GPS Receiver
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2023
AuthorsRizzo, J
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2023
Date Published03/2023
Conference LocationScranton, PA

Using a Raspberry Pi, Audio Injector Octo multi-channel soundcard, and GPS receiver, a 3-channel VLF data acquisition system can be realized with an E-field receiver and orthogonal loop H-field receiver for triple axis reception of VLF natural phenomena and Amateur VLF transmission. Signal timestamping for correlation is accomplished with the GPS receiver and signal processing is accomplished with vlfrx-tools software. A network of these systems with associated VLF receivers has applications such as lightning location and location of other natural radio signals, sferic analysis, natural radio event study in multiple locations, interferometry of Amateur VLF transmissions, and more.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed