Systematic Correlation of Local Diurnal Daylight Variations with Local MUF

TitleSystematic Correlation of Local Diurnal Daylight Variations with Local MUF
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2022
AuthorsNichols, EP
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2022
Date Published03/2022
Conference LocationHuntsville, AL

It is well understood that MUF follows the degree of daylight in a general sense, but there has been little study on the correlation between local diurnal daylight conditions and local MUF.  It is believed that encouraging this sort of study in a large number of locations will aid in the predictability of HF radio propagation.  Interior Alaska, because of its high latitude, has a large variation in diurnal light between summer and winter, and is an ideal location for doing this study.  For many months, we have been collecting diurnal light intensity from a northern facing photoresistor, giving us many data points that we can correlate with local ionosonde MUF data.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed