Initial Review of the October 2023 Grape Eclipse Data

TitleInitial Review of the October 2023 Grape Eclipse Data
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2024
AuthorsBoedicker, R, Frissell, NA, Gibbons, J, Collins, K
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2024
Date Published03/2024
Conference LocationCleveland, OH

The Great Radio Amateur Propagation Experiment (GRAPE) is a network of Doppler receivers that function as a distributed multi-static radar. The Grape network received 10 MHz doppler data from the NIST time and frequency station WWV in Fort Collins, CO during the 2023 October annular eclipse. Grape receivers in the network recorded a spectrum of Doppler shift data of the signals after they passed through the eclipse modified ionosphere. An updated version of the receiver will  be deployed to expand the network and collect similar data during the 2024 April total solar eclipse. We present initial data and results of the 2023 eclipse and discuss the upcoming eclipse.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed
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