HamSCI Member Captures Scholarship...and a New Radio

HamSCI Member Captures Scholarship...and a New Radio

Icom ID5100 VHF/UHF ham radio
Wednesday, December 27, 2023 - 13:57

HamSCI member McKenzie Denton, KO4GLN, has reason to be proud of not one but two ham radio related accomplishments in 2023: A scholarship to Old Dominion University and a winning essay which earned her a new Icom radio.

The scholarship was awarded by the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program, which administers over 100 scholarships, funded by an array of donors. McKenzie's 2023 scholarship* was made possible by a grant from YASME, a worldwide foundation which supports people and projects that help amateur radio flourish.

Her new Icom ID5100AD Dual Band VHF/UHF radio was earned by having her essay "What Attracted me to Amateur Radio" chosen second out of thirty entries in a competition sponsored by the Intrepid DX Group. The IDXG is an international group of radio amateurs, devoted to many topics, among them conducting scientific research exploring electromagnetic wave propagation. Her essay, a worthwhile read, is available here. It tells McKenzie's story of turning a negative (the near shutdown of the secondary education system during the pandemic) into a positive (her earning an amateur radio license and subsequently participating in a wide array of ham activities and organizations, including HamSCI).

Congratulations, McKenzie!


*One scholarship is reason to celebrate - while two call for serious acclaim. McKenzie won an ARRL Foundation scholarship in 2022, funded by the Amateur Radio Digital Corporation (ARDC).  Side note: Both YASME and ARDC support HamSCI through project grants and funding of HamSCI's participation at events such as the Dayton Hamvention®.  Much appreciated!